英语单词lose的词典解释 篇一
1. 输掉(比赛、战斗、争论等)
If you lose a contest, a fight, or an argument, you do not succeed because someone does better than you and defeats you.
e.g. A C Milan lost the Italian Cup Final...
e.g. The government lost the argument over the pace of reform...
2. 遗失;丢失
If you lose something, you do not know where it is, for example because you have forgotten where you put it.
e.g. I lost my keys...
e.g. I had to go back for my checkup; they'd lost my X-rays.
3. (因被夺走或遭损坏而)丧失,失去
You say that you lose something when you no longer have it because it has been taken away from you or destroyed.
e.g. I lost my job when the company moved to another state...
e.g. He lost his licence for six months...
4. 丧失,失去(某一特性、特点、态度或信念)
If someone loses a quality, characteristic, attitude, or belief, they no longer have it.
e.g. He lost all sense of reason...
e.g. The government had lost all credibility...
5. (因意外等)丧失,失去(某种能力)
If you lose an ability, you stop having that ability because of something such as an accident.
e.g. They lost their ability to hear...
e.g. He had lost the use of his legs.
6. 散失(热量)
If someone or something loses heat, their temperature becomes lower.
e.g. Babies lose heat much faster than adults...
e.g. A lot of body heat is lost through the scalp.
大量体 热通过头皮散失。
英语单词lose的单语例句 篇二
1. Head of Canada's largest trade and industry organization on Thursday urged the country's business community to lose no time in entering the lucrative Chinese market.
2. The business sector worries that universal suffrage will lead to welfarism and populism, while the professional sector worries that they may lose their representation in LegCo.
3. Analysts had widely expected thousands of Sun employees to lose their jobs, but not until No 2 business software maker Oracle closes the deal.
4. Most construction workers find work through acquaintances, and they worry they might lose the job by asking the employer for a contract.
5. Actress Charlize Theron has revealed that her modelling career was hampered by the fashion industry telling her to lose weight.
6. Four years ago, she was told by her friend that heroin could help her lose weight.
7. He goes to Colombia to undergo a stomach bypass which sees him lose 50 kilos in a few months.
8. A permanent home in Vegas might make sense, but it would lose its Broadway cachet.
9. But scientific research have shown that caffeine and alcohol act as diuretics, causing the body to lose water through increased urination.
10. It is hard to predict whether Chinese calligraphy will see a rebirth or lose itself amid its flirtation with new trends in world art.
英语lose的中文意思 篇三
1. 丢失:②联想记忆:丢失(lose)就是损耗(loss)②联想记忆:丢失(lose)就是损耗(loss)②联想记忆:丢失(lose)就是损耗(loss)②联想记忆:丢失(lose)就是损耗(loss)③联想记忆:他谴责(blame)我把他往火焰(flame)上推,把他烧成了瘸腿的(lame)人。
2. 失去:「我从来都不了解人们为什麼说:失去(lose)一个小孩。 没有一个家长会那麼粗心。 我们都知道我们的儿子女儿在哪里,我们只是不希望他们去那里。 」
3. lose:loss of cultural element; 遗失
4. lose:loss of effect; 失效
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