Love and Flu_爱与流感英语周记
Loveis a strong feeling between people. When you keep company with the person you love,you will have a very good feeling and you will feel excited and happy. Thedeeper you love, the stronger the attachment is. You want to be together anddon't want to separate.
Lovingsomeone, when she is happy, you will be happier than her. And when she is sad,you will be more painful than her.
Loveis like a cold and it will come when you least expect them to meet. In acertain time, having a light cold is also necessary, because the body endotoxincould be able to rule out. People always need to love and be loved.
Wecan't predict which day we will catch a very bad cold, just like we can'tpredict when will meet Mr. Right in the life. Love and a cold, they come byaccident, just as they may leave suddenly.
Sometimes,love is like a severe cold .when you fall in love, you are vigorous and crazy,like a healthy and spirit full body. But when the love lost, you will haveendless sorrow, just like one who is suffering from a bad cold, poor spirit,thin, pale.
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