There is a wide spread concern over the issue that should we learn English on Internet .The opinion concerning this hot topic is varies from person to person ,However the majority of people hold the view that we should learn English on Internet ,There are two factors contributing their attitudes as follows:First It's a easier way to learn it better,Second,On the Internet we can see a lot of knowledge about English ,It also can widen my horizon and broden my mind ,But different people have different views ,some people believed that we should not learn English on Internet ,On one hand ,It not very formal ,On the other hand wo will attract by other things .So it goes without saying that we should not learn English on Internet.
As far as I am concerned ,we should learn English on Internet ,Not only wo should keep the speed of our world ,but also we must learn the new knowledge ,The more you learn the better you future are ,Do as well as you can today ,tomorrow you will be better!
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