Happy summer vacation_关于暑假的英语周记
Final exam finally ended, we also ushered in the summer vacation.
Summer is colorful and is carefree. However, it will also bring a headache when the time.
Mother often said that the summer passed, a school, I was sixth grade students, but also to study hard, hard, do not be too fun, must learn the main. Although my mother is busy but always concerned about my study I will not live up to my mother's expectations.
Speaking of learning I have to develop a "summer study plan". Content is this: write half an hour pen copybook, back word, do "summer vacation" 5,
In the music of China to enjoy playing, earn credits. Have time to go and climb with my father. How wonderful ah! I put the schedule table to my father to see, my father said yes to do so.
"Oh, great." I was happy to jump three feet high, happy to shout.
I am my summer vacation, I hope I will have a pleasant summer vacation.
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