Love Our Nature_热爱自然英语周记
Love Our Nature_热爱自然英语周记
Previously, I lived in the countryside where the sun always rose. Every morning, I got up early to see the sunrise. As the sun came out, trees, flowers, birds and other animals woke up from their long sleep and smiled gently towards the sun. “What a glorious view!” I whispered. But as I moved to the city, I could hardly see such a glorious view now. Nowadays, with the development of society, the living step is so fast that we are always so busy and we don't even have the time to take a breath. While in our free time, we can do nothing but play computer games. What a dull life it is! I eagerly want to return to our nature.
To make things worse, as a result of modernization, pollution is a serious problem. Nowadays we often breathe the dusty air and drink the dirty water. What's more, we always suffer from the noise and the heavy light pollution. I'm really tired of this life. I want to change it. If I have a chance, I will get up early to see the sunrise, in order to embrace our nature.
As far as I'm concerned, our nature is our mother. She offers us everything we want or need. If our nature disappears, human-beings will be in great danger. Therefore, we must love our nature unconditionally. Don't always ask too much from her but return her nothing. Moreover, as her sons and daughters, we should always appreciate for her bounty.
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